2nd International Conference on Business, Economics and Finance, 31 Jul 2019, Gadong, Brunei

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The new technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) and digital transformation could change the growth paradigm of business through increased competition, higher productivity and better management. At the same time, the current fast pace of technological development is exerting profound changes on the way people live and work. These fast developments are creating challenges for some societies (countries) to address the problem of employment and welfare. Especially, in developing economies, many businesses and governments (policymakers) are still struggling to have a clear understanding on how to adapt to these innovative business environment, devise and implement appropriate policies to ascertain the best returns and real value-added from this technological development. Therefore, the business leaders, researchers, practitioners and policymakers need to identify new business opportunities and practices to make a smooth transition to the new industrial revolution, ensuring the benefits to be transmitted to enhance social welfare.

In this perspective, the main objective of organising 2nd ICBEF in 2019 is to provide a forum for all researchers and practitioners to discuss and deliberate on these challenges as well as suggests possible solutions to countries especially, developing countries. The conference is designed to cover a wide range of streams in the area of Business, Economics, Accounting and Finance.
when:31 Jul 2019 - 01 Aug 2019
where:Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Gadong, Brunei

5 years ago
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