Linux Foundation OpenIoT Summit Portland - March 12-14, 2018
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Linux Foundation OpenIoT Summit Portland - March 12-14, 2018
Open source has gained so much momentum in recent years that it’s taking application development by storm. To no one’s surprise, open source owns the majority of the IoT software development space. Now the only thing left to do is figure out which of the many open source IoT projects you want to learn, support, or adopt.
This conference is highly technical, aimed at firmware and software developers as well as architects working on Industrial IoT projects.
The Embedded Linux Conference is combined with OpenIoT Summit and is an awesome technical conference for developers and companies using Linux in embedded products, which is just about everyone these days. True to its open roots, the conference is vendor-neutral. You’ll learn from experts on all aspects of embedded Linux, from hardware to user space development.
Reason to attend: Whatever you’re looking for in open source IoT skills and projects, this is the primo place to hunt for it.
Date: March 12-14, 2018
Location: Portland, OR Map
Cost: $850, with early-bird discounts. Academics (students and faculty) and hobbyists (individuals) get in for $200. Register
Web: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/elc-openiot-north-america-2018/
Open source has gained so much momentum in recent years that it’s taking application development by storm. To no one’s surprise, open source owns the majority of the IoT software development space. Now the only thing left to do is figure out which of the many open source IoT projects you want to learn, support, or adopt.
This conference is highly technical, aimed at firmware and software developers as well as architects working on Industrial IoT projects.
The Embedded Linux Conference is combined with OpenIoT Summit and is an awesome technical conference for developers and companies using Linux in embedded products, which is just about everyone these days. True to its open roots, the conference is vendor-neutral. You’ll learn from experts on all aspects of embedded Linux, from hardware to user space development.
Reason to attend: Whatever you’re looking for in open source IoT skills and projects, this is the primo place to hunt for it.
Date: March 12-14, 2018
Location: Portland, OR Map
Cost: $850, with early-bird discounts. Academics (students and faculty) and hobbyists (individuals) get in for $200. Register
Web: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/elc-openiot-north-america-2018/
7 years ago
United States
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