Everyware™ Software Framework ( ESF ) -

$ 0.00
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United States
ESF is an inclusive Java OSGi software framework that puts a layer between the operating system and the customer application, with industry standard interfaces that shorten custom development time, simplified coding, and software that can be easily ported from one hardware platform to another.

 This collection of cohesive software components lets customers modify, reconfigure and maintain their application over time, so it evolves as market demands change. The adaptability and flexibility to meet market requirements will give customers a huge competitive advantage over static, fixed functionality software applications. 

By using ESF our customers will take advantage of the following benefits: 

Reduced development time > Shorter time to market 

• Focus on the application, … > Reduced development costs & project’s risks 

• … ESF takes care of the rest > programmer with knowledge of Java language and no expertise in the M2M domain can create the device software applications 

• Reuse API and existing applications > Reduced development costs 

• Portable, robust code > Higher quality software, portable onto different HW platform &    architectures of different OEMs 

• Device Hardware virtualization > Better investment protection 

• More deterministic project execution > Higher likelihood of meeting project deadlines 

• Open Standards based > Future-proofed, Investment protection 

• Remote app management > Extended product lifecycle 

• Security > Reduce operational risks 

6 years ago
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